XLight Liem Black Silk · E7.30 Roble Polvo · E5.30 Pizarra Brillo
Our E 9.30 XLight Liem Black Silk, E7.30 Roble Polvo, E5.30 Pizarra Brillo kitchen is another superlative option, with the emphasis on quality materials and an innovative functional design. This is a premium kitchen, thanks to its choice of materials, such as the XLight Lie Dark Silk large-format porcelain tiles by Urbatek, Roble Polvo wood veneer, and Pizarra Brillo lacquer finish.
This kitchen stands out particularly for its high storage space and for the backsplash with its big open shelves, where the visible stored dishes are given an added decorative function. Another noteworthy feature is the sink, which seamlessly merges with the countertop in chic elegant style, since both are made of the same material.